Music Player and Auction

Ditugas kali ini, saya akan membuat sebuah program yang mempresentasikan music player dan auction dalam java.

A. Music Player

Didalam Music Player, saya memiliki 2 class , yaitu:

1.Music Organizer
2.Music Player

Source code saya sebagai berikut:

1. MusicOrganizer

  * @author (Krisna Badru W)   
  * @version (14 Oktober 2018)   
  import java.util.ArrayList;    
  public class MusicOrganizer    
   private ArrayList<String> files;    
   private MusicPlayer player;    
   public MusicOrganizer()    
   files = new ArrayList<String>();    
   player = new MusicPlayer();    
   public void tambahFile(String namafile)    
   // input jumlah file pada koleksi    
   public int jumlahFile()    
   return files.size();    
   // list file pada koleksi    
   public void listFile(int index)    
   if(index >= 0 && index < files.size())    
   String namafile = files.get(index);    
   System.out.println("Music ke-" + index + ": " +namafile);    
   // hapus file dari koleksi    
   public void hapusFile(int index)    
   if(index >= 0 && index < files.size())    
   public void startPlaying(int index)    
   String namafile = files.get(index);    
   public void stopPlaying()    

2. MusicPlayer
  * Write a description of class MusicPlayer here.   
  * @author (Krisna Badru W)   
  * @version (14 Oktober 2018)   
  public class MusicPlayer   
   private String music;    
   public MusicPlayer()    
   music = null;    
   public void startPlaying(String namafile)    
   music = namafile;    
   System.out.println(music+ " This Music Now Playing");    
   public void stopPlaying()    
   System.out.println("This Music Now Stop Playing.");    

Hasil Output Program saya sebagai berikut :

B. Auction

Untuk program pelalangan yang saya buat, ada beberapa class yaitu:
1. Auction
2. Person
3. Lot
4. Bid

Source code saya sebagai berikut :

1. Auction

  import java.util.ArrayList;   
  * class Auction   
  * @author (Krisna Badru W)   
  * @version (14 Oktober 2018)   
 public class Auction    
   private ArrayList<Lot> lots;    
   private int LotNumber;   
   //Membuat Auction baru   
   public Auction()    
    lots = new ArrayList<Lot>();    
    LotNumber = 1;    
   //Menambahkan barang baru   
   public void enterLot(String description)    
    lots.add(new Lot(LotNumber, description));    
   //Menampilkan barang yang dilelang   
   public void showLots()   
    for(Lot lot : lots) {    
   //Melakukan tawaran   
   public void MakeBid(int CurrentlotNumber, Person bidder, long value)    
    Lot selectedLot = getLot(CurrentlotNumber);    
    if(selectedLot != null)   
     boolean succes = selectedLot.bidFor(new Bid(bidder, value));    
      System.out.println("The bid for lot number " +CurrentlotNumber+ " was successful.");   
      Bid highestBid = selectedLot.getHighestBid();    
      System.out.println("Lot number: " +CurrentlotNumber+ " already has a bid of: " +highestBid.getBid());    
   public Lot getLot(int CurrentlotNumber)    
    if((CurrentlotNumber >= 1) && (CurrentlotNumber < LotNumber))   
     Lot selectedLot = lots.get(CurrentlotNumber - 1);    
     if(selectedLot.getId() != CurrentlotNumber)   
      System.out.println("Internal error: Lot number " +selectedLot.getId()+ " was returned instead of " +CurrentlotNumber);    
      selectedLot = null;    
     return selectedLot;    
     System.out.println("Lot number : " + CurrentlotNumber + " does not exist.");    
     return null;    

2. Person

  * class Person   
  * @author (Krisna Badru W)   
  * @version (14 Oktober 2018)   
  public class Person   
   private final String name;   
   public Person(String newName)   
   { = newName;   
   public String getName()   
    return name;   

3. Lot

  * Class Lot   
  * @author (Krisna Badru W)   
  * @version (14 Oktober 2018)   
  public class Lot   
   private final int Id;   
   private String description;   
   private Bid highestBid;  
   public Lot(int number, String description)   
    this.Id = number;   
    this.description = description;   
   public boolean bidFor(Bid bid)   
    if((highestBid ==null) || (bid.getBid() > highestBid.getBid()))   
     highestBid = bid;   
     return true;   
     return false;   
   public String detail()   
    String details = Id+ ": " +description;   
    if(highestBid != null)   
     details += " Bid: " +highestBid.getBid();   
     details += " (No Bid)";   
    return details;   
   public int getId()   
    return Id;   
   public String getDescription()   
    return description;   
   public Bid getHighestBid()   
    return highestBid;   


  * class Bid   
  * @author (Krisna Badru W)   
  * @version (14 Oktober 2018)   
  public class Bid   
   private final Person bidder;   
   private final long value;   
   public Bid(Person bidder, long value)   
    this.bidder = bidder;   
    this.value = value;   
   public Person getBidder()   
    return bidder;   
   public long getBid()   
    return value;   

Output program sebagai berikut :


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